This week my idea is a combination of a cafe, an art studio and a cinema. I decided to make the cinema part into a screening for a tutorial or a DIY class on how to create different things or how to draw, basically just a 'how to' kind of class. This is then linked to the art studio idea as the people taking part in this class will be learning from the tutorial and putting it into practice while watching it. On the side of the chairs they will be sitting in is a fold out tray/table, this is for the people to lean their sketch books on while they work. The chairs are cinema quality chars meaning they're comfy and not hard to sit on. The cafe idea is a counter with the food on the shelves and someone operating the till, the cafe is there for when the people taking part in the class want to have a break can go and grab a bite to eat and go back to their chairs or go outside and have a break while they eat. The screen is a TV mounted on the wall at the back of the boat shed and high enough so everyone can see it. Under the TV there is an art supplies table with spare pencils, rubbers, paper, rulers, sharpeners etc you get the point, basically the essentials for drawing or creating something. The lighting is mostly natural lighting from the windows on the side of the boat shed and the roof (sky light) when it gets later in the day and its starts to get darker there are lights that gradually turn on inside as it starts to get darker outside making the change barely noticeable.
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