Sunday, 27 July 2014

Plan, Perspective, section and elevation drawings

My Plan drawing shows a top down view of my boat shed. In this drawing you get a better view of the tray tables on the seats to lean on while drawing. You also get a better view of the items on the art table in the top right hand corner and whats on top of the counter of the cafe on the left hand side. you can see where the door is and which way they open out you can also see where the window in because it sticks out from the wall and where frames for photos are because they come out from the wall.

In these Section drawings i drew 3 different angles showing the left side the right side then looking from the front of the shed towards the back. you can see the different levels as you move down. you can see on top of the roof the glass opening letting in natural light.

In this perspective drawing you can see the door gap and the lines on the walls show them getting further way as the ends of the walls get closer to the back of the shed.

In my elevation drawing i looked at the boat shed from the outside  looking in. You can see the doors when they're closed and again when they're open, when they're open you can see the chairs and the screen as you would would in and the window, cafe and art supply table are all hidden by the side of the walls.

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